
2019-04-05 李忠光 筑客网

Name | 项目名称
Area | 项目面积
Location | 项目地点
Guangzhou, China | 中国广州
Client | 项目业主
Interior Design | 主案设计
Li Zhongguang | 李忠光
Cooperative Design | 协作设计
Soft Decoration | 软装设计
Chasing Design
Construction Unit | 施工单位
Photographer | 摄影
Huang Miangui | 黄缅贵

"The sound of falling snow" is just like the aesthetic concept put forward by Lao Tzu: "Great music has the faintest notes. The Great Form is without shape." This case uses the "shape" of snow as a decoration to create a great visual feeling of "a fluttering snow", the "silent" impression of snow endows the space with unique temperament and charm.

Such is the footing and conception of the SNOWFALL, to consider the integrality of interior environment, and make sure the coherent aesthetic feeling of interior space.
Not only consider space environment, visual environment, but also sound, light, heat and other physical environment, and psychological environment. Because, if people's feeling of the interior environment is comfortable or not, is always integrated. A hot noisy environment, it's hard to give a person the feeling of pleasure, even it looks beautiful.
Light is the means to embody the soul of the design.
The design of light makes a space atmosphere full fill of infinite possibilities.
Different illuminations show the texture and contours of a material in varying degrees. A changeable combination can eliminate the sense of darkness and closure of the interior, giving the viewer a rich sense of the scene.

Here the heat refers to the indoor temperature, but the designer would like to emphasize the warmth that people feel.
The fireplace of this case is the one part that embody “warmth”, and also be the important component of “ immersive design”. Such like a bonfire in the night, or the first light of dawn makes people feel safe, warm and peaceful, which enables people to perceive the surroundings more delicately.
In addition to the visual environment, indoor color has a direct impact on people's emotions and psychology. The colour of the case should satisfy both functional requirement and beauty.
Through comprehensive languages of the sound, light, heat, color, shape and texture and so on to embody the beauty of interior space, to capture and meet people's psychological and emotional personalized needs.

阅读 16943145

